The proposal, which would cost up to$ 200 billion, appeals to the Republicans 'corporate base, and it could even be included in a last-minute deal to raise the debt ceiling. 这个预计将耗费高达2000亿美元的议案对共和党的公司阵营具有很大的吸引力,并有可能被拿来用于争取提升债务上限的杀手锏。
Exceed the medical treatment cost of ceiling, can solve through the way such as commercial insurance. 超过最高限额的医疗费用,可以通过商业保险等途径解决。
Loan pricing should fully reflect the cost of capital, risk and administrative costs, not general lending rates to go up to the ceiling. 贷款定价应该充分反映资金成本、风险成本和管理成本,不得笼统将贷款利率上浮至最高限额。
This approach aimed to minimize the cost for distributed company, to contribute to a distributed power supply constraints, and the penetration power ceiling for the constraints, the formation of non-linear optimization model. 本文建立了以配电公司运行总成本最小为目标、以分布式电源出力限制、穿透功率上限等为约束的非线性优化模型。
This paper uses the opportunity cost method, the willingness-to-pay law and accounting costs of inter-basin water transfer water ecological compensation standards, the opportunity cost method to determine compensation ceiling willingness to pay the minimum level of compensation determined, and with the cost of a review. 本文运用机会成本法、支付意愿法和费用法核算跨流域调水水源地生态补偿的标准,其中以机会成本法确定补偿上限,支付意愿确定补偿下限,并用费用法进行复核。